Euro Manufacturing and Marketing Limited
UK Manufacturers of Electronic Products for the Automotive Industry
Light Control Units
This Unit is intended to automatically switch the Internal Lights On and Off in the back of Box Vans, Curtain Sided Vehicles, Trailers etc; thus saving valuable Battery Power be preventing Lights being Left On in error.
The Lights are automatically Switched On in the Rear of the Vehicle as soon as the Driver gains entry and Extinguished upon the Driver leaving by means of an Infra Red Detector.
These dual-element passive infrared intrusion detectors are for use in electronic security systems. They are compact, attractive and easy to install. They can be mounted indoors on a wall or in a corner. They are ideal for commercial, office and residential applications, boats, caravans and motor / mobile homes. The Units detect intrusion by determining changes in infrared energy patterns. They emit no radiation and are harmless to humans and animals. They reduce false alarms to a very low level due to their effective elimination of background noises and nuisance stimuli.
Full fitting and user instructions are provided.