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Specialist Step Up Voltage Converters

This Range of Voltage Converters has been designed for more specialised applications.

This Product Range offers High Specification Voltage Converters.

The Converters are Switching Type therefore offering maximum efficiency, thus saving valuable Battery Power during the conversion process, as opposed to Linear Types that are inefficient and run hot.

The Converters have been designed using a building block system to obtain the power needed to suit your requirements


 6V - 12V 1.5AMP Voltage Converter (Part No. E784)

12V - 16.5V 10AMP Voltage Converter (Part No. E772)

12V - 28V 7AMP Voltage Converter (Part No. E763)

12V - 28V 15AMP Voltage Converter (Part No. E1036)

12V - 36V 5AMP Voltage Converter (Part No. E774)

12V - 48V 3AMP Voltage Converter (Part No. E752)

12V - 56V 2.5AMP Voltage Converter (Part No. E799)
Special Step Up Voltage Converters