Euro Manufacturing and Marketing Limited
UK Manufacturers of Electronic Products for the Automotive Industry
Solenoid Controller
What do they do?
These Units were designed to switch a Load (Solenoid) for 1 – 2 seconds each time the Ignition is switched on.
The Units will also switch the Load if the “Fault” input is switched positive.
Once switched the output will remain so until the Ignition is switched off.
The fault input has a short delay of less than 1 second to prevent false switching.
These Units can be used to momentarily operate any electrical / electronic device which is infrequently used such as a Safety Device* / Water, Gas or Air Valve, when the Vehicle is switched on.
The Unit causes the Solenoid Valve to pulse for 1 – 2 seconds ensuring it is kept in good working order until it is required.
The Unit can also be used as a Self Test device for items that are infrequently used.
*Ideal for:
•Safety Valve which is used to isolate a Water Supply when a leak occurs
•Safety Valve which is used to isolate a Gas Supply when a leak occurs
•Safety Valve which is used to isolate an Oil Supply when a leak occurs
•Safety Valve which is used to isolate an Acid Supply when a leak occurs
•Safety Valve which is used to isolate a Chemical Supply when a leak occurs
•Safety Valve which is used to isolate a Compressed Air Supply when a leak occurs